Why I Love Plato

In a book called “Sacred Contracts written by Carolyn Miss, she references Plato’s “Republic” and what he said about the journey of the soul. He felt that the soul was reincarnated and passes through what he described as various stages of entry before the return to earth.” The souls march through the Plain of Forgetfulness where they are required to drink from the River of Unmindfulness”. Granted, the idea of reincarnation was around before Plato and has been referenced throughout philosophical thought ever since. The interesting thing is that there has been a sense throughout our human experience that not only are we more than our physical selves, but that maybe we have been here before. The mechanics of how reincarnation works will never be known for certain in our temporal plain of existence. There will continue to be many theories forwarded with some being more attractive than others. If we do believe in a reincarnation, the more important thing would be to ask ourselves how we can best use this knowledge of our reincarnation to have a more satisfying meaningful life on this current path. How can we honor the contract we made with ourselves?

A soul contract is not destiny in the traditional sense because we have the free will to choose which part, if any, of the contract we want to experience and grow from.If we were to know everything ahead of time we would not have the chance to experience soul growth and life would hold no mystery or interest for us. We would simply be going through the motions. Since discovery is what we have intended in the first place, I feel the synchronocities we experience in our lives are important because they are the bread crumbs we left ourselves in the past. Signs can be interpreted as a means of redirecting our focus or confirming a train of thought. Signs allow our souls to tune inward and leave the chatter of the mind behind. The more you are willing to recognize them, the more you will see. Making our way through the path of our lives becomes an interesting game where you are able to see how the pieces you have collected so far, fit together knowing that you will find more along the way that will help complete the picture and dilute what we drank from the “River of Unmndfulness”.


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