Note To Homebody: I'm Afraid Too

This week my knitting group is going to knit at one downtown location and afterwards go to another downtown locale to enjoy some adult libations. It promises to be a fun evening. The problem is that I will have to park in one location and walk through town in order to get from one place to another. One of the gals mentioned garage parking which brought forth a huge fear for mine and that is, parking in an enclosed public garage alone. I pride myself on being pretty fearless on most things but this is an exception. I could simply skip the whole evening and not have to give it another thought or I can face my fear head on. Or perhaps there is another way to reach the destination and avoid the garage. The big question here is whether I am going to let my fear keep me from a nice evening or can I perhaps come up with a solution? I've decided I will find street parking and walk along the streets which is a better alternative for me. It won't be entirely comfortable when I have to walk alone but I am willing to take some risk to get to what I want. This of course brings me to the subject (once again) of relationships and the fear factor. I'm sure many have heard the statement that FEAR is false evidence appearing real. Never a truer statement. How many times do people "stay home" rather than go out and seek that relationship they very much want back? It may seem a bit overwhelming to the "homebody" to go out of their comfort zone and knock on the door of the one with whom they are estranged, announcing that they made a huge mistake that they want the other back and that they do indeed love them. At this point most readers are saying "no way would I do that." Agreed. It would take an extremely gutsy person who is maybe drunk as well, to do this. The risk is enormous to the ego. Just for the record though, the soul would LOVE it! Perhaps though, there is a way to face the fear and still make to the place you want to be. Such as the compromise position I will be taking with my parking dilemma. It may not be the boldest choice, but does it matter if in the end you can accomplish your goal? I don't feel it does. The goal is to actually "do" something to regain what you know was very right in your life. Communication between people is so difficult. When we speak to another in an honest manner we bare our egos, not our souls. Our souls seek the truth, our ego fears rejection from speaking the truth. In reality, speaking the truth feels good because you are allowing your soul to express what it needs to. Your truth can never be rejected by another because it is your truth. Even if the other person is not at one with your truth, you have the satisfaction of knowing you were able to speak from your heart and there is no doubt that you did what your soul required. From there you can move on together to build your relationship back or you can just move on alone. But, before you go, can I have your parking space? I really don't want to do the garage thing.

PS: For all of you nay sayers and homebodies out there who may be thinking to yourselves that you can't ever go back, I say to you that the laws of the universe are in disagreement. The Mercury retrograde occurs at least three times a year. This is a period of time where the communication planet of Mercury spirals backwards, so to speak. The negative effect is that communication is disrupted. The positive effect is that this retrograde period often brings a return of people from the past that are meant to return. Sometimes this is a planned event by one of the people that takes place during this time period, and sometimes the universe has a direct hand in the reunion by causing two people to "accidentally" run into each other. Either way, it's proof that some things, people& relationships are meant to return. How it goes from there is up to those involved. Hey, who are you going to trust, Thomas Wolfe who was a mere mortal or something far more vast and mysterious? Me? I'm in favor of the law of attractions, instant karma and the moon and the stars and the sun because I believe that we all shine on..... Well, me and John Lennon believe it! That's good enough for me


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