
Showing posts from 2008

Tarot Ramblings on New Decks

The other day I came across a beautiful tarot deck called Inner Child, A fairy Tale Tarot. The artwork is exquisite. I love the whimsical approach starting with the renaming of the suits: The Magic Wands, The Swords of Truth, The Winged Hearts and The Earth Cystals. The deck is full of color and has great detail in the pictures. I bought the deck and an additional workbook that the author,Isha lerner has written. Both that book and the original book that came with the deck are superb. I like them because of the interesting spin she puts on the tarot from a fairy tale perspective. Marvelous reading. The spreads are wonderful as well because they delve into areas where you are seeking self discovery on a deeper level rather than the mundane "what's going to happen to me in the near future" type reading. Part of the fun of using the tarot cards is all of the beautiful decks available. I tend towards light and colorful decks as a rule, yet the ones I work with most are Llewel...

California Dreaming

As I write this blog I am packing up my gear for a two week stay at the beach. The ocean feeds my soul and gives me much peace. I have my "Witch on the Go" book by Cal Garrison for some fast fun beach magic. I am going to pack my crazy Phantasmagoric Theater Tarot which seems to fit the California experience. One of my favorite beach towns there is Ocean Beach. Ocean Beach is a town that time forgot around 1968 LOL It's a town with a wonderful bead shop and a nice occult store that is the real deal. It's a funky fun experience every time I go. I guess it's the kind of place everyone thinks of California being like. Wild and crazy. A town full of surfers and hippies. YAY! I packed my Mermaid oracle cards as well for a change of pace. I will leavve the Fairies here to watch ovewr the house. Much to my delight I pulled the Vacation card today. LOL This always happens to me when I am about to leave town. I anticipate spending a lot of time in my bathing suit wearing m...

A Blog For The Benefit Of Mr Kite

Ok you have to be a somewhat of a Beatle's fan to have gotten that title but I just had to do it. Soul Contract If we believe that we are more than our mortal selves then we know that "we" go on beyond this life we call human. Before we came to walk the path of earth human we existed in other forms including past human lives. The theory behind destiny is that as soul entities we chose this particular path on planet Earth that we recognize as our lives. We chose the journey we would experience on this Earth and the level of "difficulty" did not matter. Where we were or what form we were before this lifetime in is unknown to us on this Earth plane because humans cannot yet fathom all there is to the universe that exists beyond us. Death for the soul is merely leaving the human body behind and moving off to the next place wherever that may be. Because soul cannot "die," leaving the human body is simply a release for the soul and nothing more making death ...

Are Your Friends Golden?

I believe it was Plato who wrote in "The Republic" about the various categories of citizens that inhabit a society. He classified them as Gold, Silver and Copper. Each citizen had a place and responsibility towards the good of society.The people who come into our lives that we call "friends" fit well into this descriptive category. The Copper Friends are those friends with whom you enjoy talking to from time to time and see on occasion. You may share a hobby or interest in common or have met them at work or a social event. They may even be a friend of one of your friends. You enjoy their company, have something in common and consider them nice people to be with. You may hang out in a crowd with them but probably will do little one on one with them only because outside of one or two commonalties there is no other deep level commitment possible as there would be too many differences. The Silver Friends are those friends that share common interests with you and may be ...

Note To Homebody: I'm Afraid Too

This week my knitting group is going to knit at one downtown location and afterwards go to another downtown locale to enjoy some adult libations. It promises to be a fun evening. The problem is that I will have to park in one location and walk through town in order to get from one place to another. One of the gals mentioned garage parking which brought forth a huge fear for mine and that is, parking in an enclosed public garage alone. I pride myself on being pretty fearless on most things but this is an exception. I could simply skip the whole evening and not have to give it another thought or I can face my fear head on. Or perhaps there is another way to reach the destination and avoid the garage. The big question here is whether I am going to let my fear keep me from a nice evening or can I perhaps come up with a solution? I've decided I will find street parking and walk along the streets which is a better alternative for me. It won't be entirely comfortable when I have to wa...

Honoring Yourself

The key to any successful relationship whether it be romance oriented or not, is to honor yourself. By honoring yourself you set a standard of behavior that is acceptable to you and will allow for healthy growth to take place between two people. Often times, people set separate standards for what they will tolerate in a relationship versus a friendship. Some people set higher standards for a romantic partner than they do for a friend, others do the opposite. Standards for ANY relationship that you engage in should be the same. All relationships are about give and take and require a fairly equal exchange of effort. I say fairly because sometimes one must carry more than the other for a bit of time and vice versa. The point here is that in the end it evens out. When one person is continually carrying the bulk of the work of a relationship it puts things out of balance and sends the wrong message to the other person. Compromise and honesty are two other important frameworks that build a g...

Starting Over: Knitting & The Soul Connection

The shawl I'm making for the women of Afghan is moving along too slowly to be completed by the deadline. I have worked long and hard on it and it is not going to happen. Today I was hit by a sudden inspiration when looking at a knitting book with designs using chunky wool and big needles. There was a wrap in there that measures the same size as the afghan I need to make and the best part is that the project is that the completion time on it is supposedly ten hours. Because it's me doing the knitting I might have to say it will take me 20 hours but still within easy reach of the July deadline. The new yarn is quite beautiful with several shades of pink and purple which I doubt I can capture in a picture but I will try! As for the "other" shawl, I have a soon to be 97 year old grandmother who would enjoy having something so warm and light around her shoulders so all is not lost. I can't help but draw parallels between this knitting project and relationships. The bi...

The Soul Mate Connection

When asked to do readings for people I would have to say that the vast majority of the questions are on relationship concerns. One of the most frequently asked questions are about the soul mate connection. The soul mate connection is a wonderful connection yet it most often a difficult one, at least in the beginning. It amuses me when I see advertisements about finding your “soul mate”. The ads make it appear as if this is the fairy tale match of your lifetime “The perfect man/woman to meet your every romantic desire”. Is there really such a thing? Well, I’d have to say yes and no. A soul mate relationship is a very special connection unlike any other. What characterizes a soul mate relationship? How do you know you are in one? Here are a few clues: Do you and this other person often have a “mind meld” where you are both thinking the same thing at the same time? Do you find that you have so much in common with each other? The more you get to know them, the scarier it becomes in how t...

Beware of The Fortress of Solitude

Superman used to go to what was called his fortress of solitude when he needed to figure things out. It was a place where he could have a time out from the world around him and think about some solutions to various problems facing him. In relationships there are times when people need a time out. It could be to think about the relationship or it could be something entirely different. The important thing is that if a person needs a time out it should be respected. I would go so far as to say that no explanation is required as to why it's needed. The other person would need to trust and respect the decision. The most important component of this and how it relates to effective communication in a relationship of any kind, is for the actual words to be spoken. Those four simple words "I need time out." Simple, yet says it all and forestalls any possible miscommunication of intent and therefore will save a lot of grief and anxiety on all sides. Without the actual words spoken t...

IMAGINE The Power of Love

Universal loving and kindness begins with you. “Metta” is a concept taken from Buddhist text that is the practice of universal loving kindness. It is the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others where you open your heart and are willing to give to others and never want anything in return. Often times when we are involved in relationships we feel they should be about give and take. Some of my clients will come to me very frustrated about their relationships telling me that they have been doing all of the work with nothing being given in return. I understand how hard it can be to feel you are bearing the burden of a relationship but perhaps that is the problem. The burden. Metta shows us that giving is not a burden but a joy where there is no expectation. When we can release expectation, we also release judgment of another. We enjoy them for who they are. In life, in love, we make choices. We can choose to give because of the connection we feel, the love we have for ...
As the one year anniversary of my cat Bootsy approaches I am struggling with an onslaught of sadness. He died on Cinco De Mayo of all things, but in reality any day someone dies is forever ingrained in your memory. This little guy was so special. He loved me from the minute he laid eyes on me and held on as tight to me on our last ride together as he did the first time I carried him to my car 19 years ago.The day he died was a stormy day. There was a break in the clouds and the sun shone thru when his soul was released. I thought I had released the sadness months ago but it has been creeping up for over a week now. Admittedly I am slow to heal from the loss of my pets. I lost Bootsy a year and a half after my beloved Muffin. Both of these soul friends were with me many years. Muffin for just about 20 and Bootsy for 18. I know I am blessed to be able to have shared so many years with them yet still I miss them both very much. In our society people often discount any prolonged mourning f...

Dancing With the Soul Tribe

The belief in soul tribe is one that puts forth the notion that we are reconnected in this lifetime with various "soul friends" if you will, from past lives. They are from our spiritual world and we run into them in this lifetime in order to remind us of things we may have forgotten while bound by this human uniform. They come to us in all forms: pets, friends, lovers. The lovers come to us with reminders of the hardest of lessons we chose to face during this path, while the rest of the "family" pops in to keep you sane as you follow your earthly path. These family members, in charge of your sanity check, are your kindred spirits. For the most part, the dance with them is smooth and rhythmic like a graceful waltz with only an occasional misstep, as opposed to the dance of the soul mate, which is rather like the 1970's dance floor gyration called "The Bump." The Bump has an air of seduction and underlying potential, yet one full swing of the hip will ...

Sasha's Tearoom

I have been busy updating my website every month so I haven't had much time to blog. I have added some new features to my tearoom. I have started postings on Aromatherapy and Astrology. I have also started a blog on the site because I must be insane to do yet another blog. LOL I have many articles I have written on the tearoom site that pertain to soul connection as that is my specialty.