IMAGINE The Power of Love

Universal loving and kindness begins with you.

“Metta” is a concept taken from Buddhist text that is

the practice of universal loving kindness.

It is the strong wish for the welfare and happiness of others

where you open your heart and are willing to give to others

and never want anything in return.

Often times when we are involved in relationships we feel they should be

about give and take.

Some of my clients will come to me very frustrated about their relationships

telling me that they have been doing all of the work with nothing being given in return.

I understand how hard it can be to feel you are bearing the burden of a relationship

but perhaps that is the problem. The burden.

Metta shows us that giving is not a burden but a joy

where there is no expectation. When we can release expectation,

we also release judgment of another. We enjoy them for who they are.

In life, in love, we make choices.

We can choose to give because of the connection we feel,

the love we have for another or we can choose to stop.

Love should not be a barter system. “If I give this what do I get in return”

is not a good basis for a relationship.

Why not instead embrace the idea that “I give because I love”?

When we release expectations we can go with the ebbs and flows

that are inherent to any relationship. Releasing expectations is about having

faith and trust in yourself .

When you accept and love yourself you can accept and choose to

give to others without worrying

about what you will get in return.

In a universe where the law of attraction exists,

only good will vibrate back to you if you send out the love.

Once we are able to master the concept of loving ourselves,

and then giving that love to another , we will be able to practice universal love.

Universal love embraces the concept of the

“inherent worth and dignity of every human being.”

Once we have this concept and can put it into practice

how long could it take before we can find world peace?

John Lennon seems to have gotten the concept of metta

and wrote it so beautifully in his song “Mind Games"

We're playing those mind games together
Pushing the barriers, planting seeds
Playing the mind guerrilla
Chanting the mantra, peace on earth
We all been playing those mind games forever
Some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil
Doing the mind guerrilla
Some call it magic, the search for the grail

Love is the answer and you know that for sure
Love is a flower, you got to let it, you got to let it grow

So keep on playing those mind games together
Faith in the future, outta the now
You just can't beat on those mind guerrillas
Absolute elsewhere in the stones of your mind


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