The Kindred
Certain activities, attitudes, foods, and persons support the cultivation of an unconscious life. They draw us away from our center. They throw us off-balance. They deplete the soul."
-- Patricia Lynn Reilly
I loved this quote because it is something that comes up in my soul coaching sessions and at times in my own life. If a person continues to surround themselves with negative energy people and fool themselves that these people are in fact worthwhile to be around, they are purposefully putting off their own self growth. Victims find comfort in each other because they can feed off their mutual excuses as to why things are the way they are. It's easier to complain, and to gossip about others, sitting around swapping opinions, than it is to change. Comfort is not why we are here. We are here to experience and to grow. When we can open to the soul, we will find true comfort and a true sense of what it is to be home. Home is not where you are surrounded by like minded people but rather, home is within yourself first, and from there "residing" with kindred souls. There is a difference, because kindred souls are not always like minded. Sharing the same interests or negative outlooks towards life, does not make people soul connected. The feeling of soul connectedness goes deeper of course and many times cannot be explained. It is simply felt, which seems quite natural not to be able to verbalize it since verbalization is a tool of the mind, not the soul. Love is soulful because it also defies explanation. The mind cannot fathom how love can still exist under the most dire of circumstances and therefore passes a verdict on this which mind cannot understand. Depression is not rooted in soul, but ego. Depression is the manifestation of fear and doubt which lowers sense of self. The more sure we are of ourselves as soulful beings, the less we suffer the illusion of depression.
The purpose of a true connection with someone else is not for them to soothe and boost your ego,(whether that be actively or sub consciously) it is to help each other awaken to the soul consciousness which is not always a smooth ride, but one worth taking.
"Enlightenment is not about imagining figures of light but of making the darkness conscious."
-- C.G. Jung