Looking for Justice on The Karma Road

The Justice card in the tarot deck is the card of karma. It represents righting the wrongs in order to bring life back into balance. When we see people doing a wrong to others or experience a wrong done to us by someone else we inevitably look towards karma. The idea of having someone "get what they have coming to them" is a satisfying thought in light of the fact that they are unlikely to right the wrong they did you you. Be assured that these people will have  karmic paybacks. More important though is what about us?

I believe in karma. In fact, I embrace it! While we often think of it in terms of other people getting payback, we seldom think of it in terms of creating our own positive or negative karma. Karma is twofold in that we can create good or bad karma depending on the choices we make both in the short term and long term. We create karma everyday. Being mindful of what type of karma we are creating for ourselves is imperative. While most of us understand that murder, stealing , lying and envy are wrong, there are less obvious ways for us to create bad karma that we need to be aware of. We also need to be proactive in creating good karma both for ourselves and the world. It is something to do every single day.

                                          Bad Karma
Belittling or rejecting someone because of how they look or dress, where they come from, how old they are, how they make their living.

Allowing hate and intolerance of groups of people by saying or doing nothing either directly or through social media outlets.  

Being unfaithful to the soul commitments you have made to people in your life.

Failing to do the mundane commitments you have in your daily life.

Worrying more about your happiness and goals at the expense of everyone else.

Living your life as if the world owes something to you.

Good Karma

Doing something for someone else with no expected benefit in return

Celebrating the milestones and victories of people everywhere and in your circle of friends and family

Speaking out against hatred and establishing a zero tolerance for such views even if it means not having some people in your life

Providing a loving safe environment in your home for your partner and family

Protecting our environment and natural resources. The earth is our home so just like our personal space, we need to keep it clean.


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