Going Nowhere, Man

Although the name can be a bit off putting to the novice tarot student, the Hanged Man is in no danger of losing his life. He seems quite content to be doing nothing. The color red on his pants shows a lack of passion as they are in an upside down position. There is the suggestion that he chooses to remain with his hands tied, as well, as he is not at all upset by his circumstances. The gold around his head shows that he has not only has suspended thoughts of living in joy but is also choosing to suspend spiritual wisdom. When he comes up in a reading The Hanged Man shows a period of stagnation and limbo in a given situation. Needless to say this is not a welcome card because we naturally want to see our lives in some sort of motion. When I look at this card, the Beatles’ song “Nowhere Man” comes immediately to mind because it’s quite a perfect way to describe this card:

He's a real nowhere man,
Sitting in his Nowhere Land,
Making all his nowhere plans
for nobody.

Doesn't have a point of view,
Knows not where he's going to,
Isn't he a bit like you and me?

Nowhere Man please listen,
You don't know what you're missing,
Nowhere Man, the world is at your command!

He's as blind as he can be,
Just sees what he wants to see,
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?

Nowhere Man, don't worry,
Take your time, don't hurry,
Leave it all till somebody else
lends you a hand!

When using the energy of the Hanged Man in meditation, we may want to reflect on ways we can break out of our limbo or nowhere man mentality. For example, let’s say you are in a job that you don’t particularly care for but continue working at it because it’s comfortable to do so. Or, you are thinking about a relationship which has been at a stand still for a while. What is it that keeps you from taking action? Well, whether it’s a relationship or job or something else, the reason for inaction is fear. Are you willing to let your fears keep you from living your life in growth, abundance and joy? If not, when you meditate on this card, ask your higher self how you can be released from your fears. In order to enhance your focus I would suggest a red candle to capture the essence of passion in your life and for aromatherapy I would suggest Cinnamon oil to enhance your psychic awareness and physical energy. By enhancing your psychic awareness you will diminish the ego based fear that keeps you trapped in limbo.


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