Did The Devil Really Make You Do It?
The Devil is another one of those “scary” cards that people don’t like to see come up in a reading. Admittedly it is a bit scary, but for a different reason than most people think. When we look at the Devil, he is the largest figure on the card towering over two small humans. Traditionally this is a card that shows addiction with the chains, strong sexual desire shown by the nudity of the man and woman and the horns each of them are wearing along with a tail. The tail, which is associated with an animal or the devil itself, shows the baser side of ourselves. On the tip of the man’s tail is fire, suggesting lustful passion and on the woman’s tail there is fruit suggesting perhaps the temptation from the Garden of Eden. Looking more closely at the chains, we see that although the couple is chained around their necks, their hands are free thereby showing us that they have the power to release themselves from any restrictions. The interesting aspect of the Devil is that he has a belly button suggesting that he is not a demon, but rather, something man made. So, for the most part, when I see this card in a reading, I see it as a card of self made restriction. Therefore it is in one’s power to release themselves from these self imposed restrictions.
When using this card for meditation purposes you would use it to focus on how you are feeling restricted by circumstances in your life and ways you can free yourself from this mind set. For example, you could ask yourself in what way you are holding yourself captive out of fear. I would suggest a white candle for focus on the aspect of spirituality and higher thought. For aromatherapy I would suggest Lavender or Camomile oil for a sense of calm and relaxation which will help you to release the tension you may feel around restrictions that exist in your life.
When using this card for meditation purposes you would use it to focus on how you are feeling restricted by circumstances in your life and ways you can free yourself from this mind set. For example, you could ask yourself in what way you are holding yourself captive out of fear. I would suggest a white candle for focus on the aspect of spirituality and higher thought. For aromatherapy I would suggest Lavender or Camomile oil for a sense of calm and relaxation which will help you to release the tension you may feel around restrictions that exist in your life.