Look Into the Mirror
I love this card. When we look at the High Priestess we see a serene woman sitting in contemplation. She represents inner wisdom and intuition.The cross on her gown and the torah in her lap and the sliver of the moon by the bottom of her gown shows that her spiritual wisdom transcends any one religion and rather encompasses them all as these are the symbols of some of the major religions, Christianity, Judaism and Muslim. On top of her head is the moon, again showing hidden aspects of ourselves. The fruits in the background represent the fruitfulness and abundance of knowledge that is hers. The black and white columns with contrasting letters for me represent the idea of the Chinese symbol of yin-yang where opposite energies are brought into harmony and balance. When the High Priestess comes up in a reading the message is that you are to let yourself be guided more by your intuition as it will always serve you well. The High Priestess is serene because she knows the truth and will let herself be guided by her soul. She has let the fear produced by ego drop away. She accepts the principles of the spiritual and holds all beliefs as equal in value.
You would want to use the energy of the High Priestess in meditation when you are feeling that your intuition is blocked and you want to get more in touch with your inner voice. It’s time to quiet the mind and listen. To enhance the meditation experience, I would suggest lighting either a purple candle for intuition, a blue candle for calm or white for purity and spirituality. Amethyst is the stone of intuition or moonstone could be used as well to calm emotions. For aromatherapy l I would suggest lavender or chamomile for their relaxing properties. Chime music in the background or singing bowl music would be a wonderful addition.