I Can Do Anything!
The Fool is the very first card of the journey of the majors. When you look at this card the brightness is the very first thing you are drawn to. The abundance of yellow in the background along with the Sun in the sky suggests happiness and optimism that is unlimited. The figure of the Fool is looking upward for perhaps some divine inspiration although we can see that he is already prepared to start his journey with nothing but the highest of hopes with his yellow boots showing the warmth and positive expectations associated with the sun. His white dog shows that he also brings with him purity of motive and thought. The flower in his outstretched hand shows his willingness to grow and learn from his experiences. His red bag suggests his passion for traveling forward in his life. The small size shows him just starting out with not a lot of knowledge to fill the bag with just yet. Standing on the edge of a cliff, he is ready to take the leap and start the journey.
When The Fool is drawn in a reading it obviously is showing a new beginning of something whether it is referring to a career or relationship. When it comes to relationships it can signal a fresh look at an existing relationship, a new approach, leaving the old patterns of behavior behind. When it comes to career I have found that it indicates a new job or career path. For meditation purposes you would use this card to focus on bringing newness into your life. It can be something as simple as a new way of thinking about things. It’s a card that asks you to focus on purely positive thoughts. Don’t let yourself get bogged down with the “what ifs” or prejudices based on past experiences. This is a card where extensive knowledge is not key or entirely helpful. Meditate on this card with a sense of excitement! Think in terms of possibilities and good ones at that. A white candle would be a good candle to use for focus when meditating on The Fool. A clear quartz crystal would be a good stone to have as well and for aromatherapy, peppermint oil to clear out the cobwebs and stimulate the mind. Setting the mood prior to beginning the meditation will greatly enhance the experience and make it more magical and fun.