The Soul Mate Connection
When asked to do readings for people I would have to say that the vast majority of the questions are on relationship concerns. One of the most frequently asked questions are about the soul mate connection. The soul mate connection is a wonderful connection yet it most often a difficult one, at least in the beginning. It amuses me when I see advertisements about finding your “soul mate”. The ads make it appear as if this is the fairy tale match of your lifetime “The perfect man/woman to meet your every romantic desire”. Is there really such a thing? Well, I’d have to say yes and no. A soul mate relationship is a very special connection unlike any other. What characterizes a soul mate relationship? How do you know you are in one? Here are a few clues: Do you and this other person often have a “mind meld” where you are both thinking the same thing at the same time? Do you find that you have so much in common with each other? The more you get to know them, the scarier it becomes in how t...