Discover Happiness Now

Happiness is the product of accepting the choices you have made for your life path thus far, while understanding that we can decide to alter these choices anytime we choose if we find that we need to grow in a different direction. Happiness comes from embracing our soul purpose and self sacrifice.

                                                     Honoring our Soul Choices
When we make a choice to partner up with another person or to become a parent, we take on a soul commitment to another being. The challenge of such commitment, is in being mindful of the well being of those who we made the commitment to and putting aside our egotistical tendencies to worry about what we are getting in return. Empowering our children to feel good about themselves and their place in the family and affirming that they can achieve their dreams, is in itself empowering to us. What greater gift is there then to create and nourish a soul that can go on to live and grow with a strong sense of self worth because they were nurtured by your soul. To support the dreams of a partner even if it means that your own dreams are delayed or slowed down a bit, is empowering. To receive the same support from your partner is divine. Self sacrifice is not soul sacrifice. In looking beyond your own immediate needs, you will feel a deeper sense of satisfaction knowing that you are helping those you love to thrive and grow soul

                                                        Embracing the Mundane
By taking joy in the everyday things we do for ourselves and our families, we can give ourselves a sense of personal empowerment that will boost our self satisfaction level to an all time high. Household duties can be very boring and are never ending, however, they can be satisfying if you start to look at the larger picture. Understanding of the value of each task both on a practical level, and a spiritual level helps you understand just how important they are. Home is your sanctuary from the outside world. Having an organized space means less time and a lot less frustration in dealing with the practicalities of life. When all is in order and pleasing to the senses, we are invigorated.

                                    Contributing to Mankind 
Living in service to others is the purpose of the soul. This goes beyond what we do for our families. The act of service to others is recognizing that we are all "inner" connected. We are all souls on a path.  There is no better or right way to perform service to others. There is time in our day to day lives to serve. How and where we choose to serve others is of course an individual matter. One can start by doing something that is in the range of their comfort level such as contributing money to political or social causes that are aimed at making the world a better place for certain individuals or groups. Signing petitions, buying products from groups looking to raise money for a cause, donating goods, donating food, knitting for a cause, crafting for a cause, helping to build houses for the poor, teaching people how to read or speak our language, volunteering at a shelter. Something that takes time in your personal life to actually do. Encouraging your children to do some of these things together as a family, shows them that there is a world that could use help. By making service to others a regular part of your living routine, you will feel that you are in your own way, helping the world outside of yours, a kinder place.


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