Spinning The Wheel

The Wheel of Fortune

I love the fact that there is a game show named after a tarot card! The Wheel of Fortune shows us the cyclical nature of life’s fortunes. What goes up will eventually come down and vice versa. Simply put it represents a change in circumstances and whether these changes will be positive or negative depends upon where the card shows up in a reading. This is mostly seen as a positive card, indicating good fortune. The images and symbols on this card are a bit more complicated than on the previous cards and not particularly useful to the person who is simply using the card for meditation based on the meaning of the card itself. I would like to point out a few interesting features of the card though. On the wheel itself are Greek and Hebrew letters plus the alchemical signs for salt, water, sulfur and mercury. The four creatures each represent one of the four seasons as so defined because these creatures are the four fixed signs in astrology which were originally based on the equinoxes and solstices of earlier days, this according to Rachel Pollack in her book Tarot Wisdom.

For meditation purposes you would want to use the energy of this card when you are focusing on the desire for change in your life. One way you can use this card is to look at the picture of the wheel and imagine that you are pushing it upwards towards change for the better in your life powered by your belief in your ability to meet your goal. Holding that image in your mind for just 5 minutes will help you to feel you have the strength and ability to accomplish that which you desire. Because The Wheel of Fortune is cyclical in nature, you may want to use an oil that is associated with the moon such as Jasmine, Sandalwood or Lemon. For candle choice I would suggest white for the spiritual aspect of the card as it does suggest destiny.


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