TemperanceXIV: The Softer Side of Balance
The Temperance card has the feel of the softer side of the Justice card. While both cards deal with the concept of balance, Temperance suggests more harmony within that balance. When looking at the actual card you will see the figure of an angel with one foot in the water and the other foot on land. The balance is also represented in the more obvious action of water being poured between two cups. The whole scene in the card suggests peace and relaxation. There is nothing hectic about this card yet, unlike the quite static quality of the Hanged Man, there is some movement. When we wish to draw or meditate on the energy of Temperance I feel the message is that we should pursue our dreams by taking action while keeping balance to not get lost in fantasy. Dwelling too much in the what ifs of fantasy,leads to non action that becomes mired in stagnation. You will reach the pot of gold (represented here by a gold crown)at the end of the Yellow brick road. There is no need to run, but you do need to start walking in order to reach the goal. The medallion and illumination around the Angel's head shows that your higher self knows what to do, so listen and have no fear. When you draw this card as your meditation, your higher self is asking you to look at yourself and see what in your life needs to be more balanced. The time is right for working on that area.
This is the first card in a continuing series on Tarot meditation. These are my unique interpretations of the images from the Rider-Waite Deck. I use the Radiant Rider-Waite that is bright and beautiful in color. The Rider-Waite is almost always used a the basis of the meaning of the tarot cards. Individual artists will use the symbolism found in the Rider Waite deck as a jumping off point for their own interpretations of tarot. The results are stunning and unique and I never tire of finding the beautiful tarot art out there.