
Showing posts from July, 2008

A Blog For The Benefit Of Mr Kite

Ok you have to be a somewhat of a Beatle's fan to have gotten that title but I just had to do it. Soul Contract If we believe that we are more than our mortal selves then we know that "we" go on beyond this life we call human. Before we came to walk the path of earth human we existed in other forms including past human lives. The theory behind destiny is that as soul entities we chose this particular path on planet Earth that we recognize as our lives. We chose the journey we would experience on this Earth and the level of "difficulty" did not matter. Where we were or what form we were before this lifetime in is unknown to us on this Earth plane because humans cannot yet fathom all there is to the universe that exists beyond us. Death for the soul is merely leaving the human body behind and moving off to the next place wherever that may be. Because soul cannot "die," leaving the human body is simply a release for the soul and nothing more making death ...

Are Your Friends Golden?

I believe it was Plato who wrote in "The Republic" about the various categories of citizens that inhabit a society. He classified them as Gold, Silver and Copper. Each citizen had a place and responsibility towards the good of society.The people who come into our lives that we call "friends" fit well into this descriptive category. The Copper Friends are those friends with whom you enjoy talking to from time to time and see on occasion. You may share a hobby or interest in common or have met them at work or a social event. They may even be a friend of one of your friends. You enjoy their company, have something in common and consider them nice people to be with. You may hang out in a crowd with them but probably will do little one on one with them only because outside of one or two commonalties there is no other deep level commitment possible as there would be too many differences. The Silver Friends are those friends that share common interests with you and may be ...