
Showing posts from February, 2015

The Art of Friendship

I have taken a year off from this blog in order to focus on some  aspects of my life that needed some attention, both on a spiritual level and mundane as well. My work as a psychic and life coach has given me valuable insights into how relationships can go wrong and also what characteristics define a good relationship. People call me out of concern over a romantic relationship they are struggling with, but seldom, if ever, do I get calls about friendships. For many, friendships are not something that people really think about working on. I am surprised how little people know about how to go about being a good friend. Although friendships are not required to last a lifetime, they are another important part of how we relate and share our lives with others. As such, they could use a little tending to. I feel that people seldom take the time to reflect on how good a friend they are to another person, but rather tend to focus on what they themselves are getting from a friendship. It a...