
Showing posts from February, 2013

Is Valentine's Day Really The Devil?

Relationships are the things that ground us and allow us to grow as people. They teach us many things. They teach us to have the courage to admit when we are wrong, to admit when we are scared,  to admit when we are lonely. They teach us the value of truth and of the importance of being ourselves. They teach us the folly of expectations and instead the wisdom of acceptance of another person. It is for these reasons that friendship reigns supreme in the relationship genre. To learn to be a good friend is the basis of a lasting and fulfilling romantic partnership. Entwining ourselves with unhealthy, unstable people will never be a satisfactory experience and will in fact lead a person further down the slippery slope of mental wellness. It is important to look at the people to whom you feel the closest because they are a reflection of yourself and show what it is you value. People who feel that the world revolves around them are the most unattractive people of all. It doesn't tak...