
Showing posts from 2009

Why I Love Plato

In a book called “Sacred Contracts written by Carolyn Miss, she references Plato’s “Republic” and what he said about the journey of the soul. He felt that the soul was reincarnated and passes through what he described as various stages of entry before the return to earth.” The souls march through the Plain of Forgetfulness where they are required to drink from the River of Unmindfulness”. Granted, the idea of reincarnation was around before Plato and has been referenced throughout philosophical thought ever since. The interesting thing is that there has been a sense throughout our human experience that not only are we more than our physical selves, but that maybe we have been here before. The mechanics of how reincarnation works will never be known for certain in our temporal plain of existence. There will continue to be many theories forwarded with some being more attractive than others. If we do believe in a reincarnation, the more important thing would be to ask ourselves how we can...

Kitchen Witch!

I recently purchased a book called "Kitchen Witchery" by Marilyn Daniel. It's a collection of recipes for bath salts, incense, beauty treatments food, etc. I have primarily been using Scott Cunningham's books to make my bath salts, magic bags and occasional incense, but was looking to find some more variety and I think this book provides it. The recipes are from the author's collection of over 40 years, so needless to say, there is a lot to choose from. I was especially taken with the variety of incense recipes that she has. There are the Zodiac incense recipes designed to increase your personal power, incense for various gods/goddesses, the planets, sabbats, coven uses, one ingredient quick incenses, along with the usual for love, money, dreams, psychic powers. In the section on Potpourris, she has a collection of simmering potpourris which I would like to try because as she pointed out the scent then travels throughout the house. The section on perfumes is fun ...


Confirmation Last night I got a call from a client I have been doing tarot readings for for three years. She called to tell me about the final chapter of her ongoing soul mate connection. It was not the fairy tale ending that most people are wishing for but I feel that in reality it was a fairy tale ending because she had come to such a point in her personal growth that she no longer wanted to do the soul dance with this man. She was so sure of herself and her current relationship that she didn’t even want to hear what this man had to say when he showed up late one night after a two year absence. When people find themselves in the throes of a cyclical soul connection, they are waiting for the day that they will finally have the answers they were seeking from the other without realizing that true growth comes when the answers no longer matter. It is satisfying in itself that one is able to learn and grow and come away satisfied that the lesson they themselves learned was enough. It was...

Smile, They're Watching You

Last week I went to a class on Shamanistic Journeying. The purpose of the class was to introduce us to the practice of Shamanism and the journey to meet and work with one’s power animal. I have heard of the idea of the power animal as a spirit guide and an animal lover this was an appealing concept to me. Our instructor explained the basics to us and guided us on what was for some of us our first journey. My visualization was not as detailed as I would have wished, but I was visited for a brief instant by an angry white horse that stood on his hind legs, gave me an angry snort and was gone. About the same time he left, I saw a white snake coiled up and it too was gone very quickly. I was intrigued and amused that my power animal was not a warm, friendly talking creature as many others have described their animals to be. Whether he is my power animal remains to be seen but I have figured out that he, and the white snake, were there to deliver a message. With a little research I uncove...

Happily Ever After

In my endless fascination for tarot cards I have managed to dig up another gem of a deck. This one is called the Fairy Tale Tarot by Lisa Hunt. It comes as a book and card set which I really like. For each card there is a fairy tale story and the appropriate correlation drawn to the particular tarot card. I look forward to using this deck to draw my daily card and hear my story for the day. The artwork is lovely. The deck itself has a classic fairy tale look reminding me of one of my favorite movies "Ever After". The deck looks beautiful spread out on my fairy tarot cloth. For me it's all quite magical. Although I am quite used to doing tarot readings in noisy public places, I savor the quiet moments spent in my office surrounded by the calm magical atmosphere I have created. The soft glow from my Tiffany style desk lamps, the warm mustard colored walls accented with whimsical pictures, my stained glass window, my big comfy chair and the bookcases full of my metaphysical ...

Winter's Last Glorious Farewell

The last full moon of winter brought with it a bright crisp clear night. Gazing up into the night sky, holding my cat Luna Magic close to me and swaying to my music, I couldn’t help but be taken in by the beauty of this magical night. Gazing into the night sky is always magical but it’s extra special when it glows by the light of the full moon. As my second favorite season draws quickly to a close I am delighted by this last gift from nature. The full moon can be a night of spells and magic or sending up thanks for all that is as things stand right now. Living in the present. It doesn’t get any better than this moment on this night in this beautiful town on this fantastic planet we call Earth. “May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night and a smooth road all the way to your door.” Irish Blessing